Thursday, January 20, 2011

Silver Springs, a Southern Tradition

Adventure Journal - Entry Date: December 2010

As a kid growing up in Georgia, my family vacationed just once a year for maybe three or four days, usually in Panama City or Fort Walton Beach, Florida (AKA: the Redneck Riviera). But I'll always remember that one Summer in the mid '70's that Mom and Dad took my best buddy and me on an awesome trip to Georgia's Okefenokee Swamp and several destinations in North Florida. Best I remember, we didn't do much exploring on that trip, but I remember visiting Silver Springs very well. So, 35 years later, I decided my kids needed to experience the same treat, and they did.

When we first arrived, I didn't recognize the park. It was beautiful, yes, but there is a lot more parking than before. Silver Springs had apparently expanded considerably, but it looked very nice. We approached the ticket office and inquired about admission. Now, as a Southerner with four kids, and being a little cheap (as many Southerners with four children are), I wasn't expecting to pay nearly $180.00 for my family to enter Silver Springs. It certainly wasn't that expensive when I was a kid. However, as the day passed, and the people were so great, and the animals were so unique, and the sights were so amazing, I began to consider cost vs benefit. I compared the cost of a nice dinner for six to a day's worth of entertainment and education, and decided it was probably money well spent. More...

For more pictures and details about Silver Springs, visit their  dedicated page.

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